


The Cairn Team have delivered exceptionally successful projects in a wide variety of locations. We know the discipline, the focus and collaborative attitude that is required to deliver such programs.

IVO is our mantra and it is applied to all programs, all relationships and all processes.


The process by which a project is logically, strategically and accountably created. Imagination and innovation are coupled to a healthy knowledge of government agency work. 

Through interactive sessions with a customer and the integrator, Cairn is able to populate a blank canvas with ideas, priorities and identify opportunities to define workflows/outcomes with general goals and expectations.

Simultaneously, we consider technology application suppliers and, critically, the local integrator and/or end-user skill sets.

The outcome of this Identification phase of a project development is a detailed definition of customer operational gaps, potential program goals, short-listed technology supply partners and a specific local integrator to work with. 


This phase of a program takes the general definition of what is required and converts it into a project with precisely defined technologies, mandatory functional deliverables, operational outcomes definition and then a selected shortlist of technology suppliers are awarded contract.

Cairn actively participates in all stages of the Verification process.

All Cairn programs run for multiple years and necessitate the tight collaboration of multiple parties both commercially and technically. We independently assess/advise all parties as solutions are defined and expectations created.

Due to wide technology and end-user experience our team is well equipped to assist in the rapid development of project deliverable definitions – often assisting users and resellers finely describe their requirements – whilst ensuring the suppliers can achieve them.

With an unwavering focus on expectation management Cairn, uniquely, also provides a cultural and localised learning experience for project suppliers.

Designed to provide an interactive, stimulating and informative environment Cairn enables the Verification process to also consider/confirm the correct soft skills required for the project to run smoothly.

It is a process about which Cairn feels passionately and is a mandatory part of our business.


Onboarding Cairns’ business model continues as the project moves into a delivery phase. Depending on the complexity of the program this may be a process that occurs over several months/years. Whilst we are not Project Managers – we do maintain direct involvement in programs until such time as which they are fully satisfied.


We fully expect our projects to face challenges and unexpected events - we can help advise relevant parties on solutions and processes to navigate such hurdles.


The IVO pillars create structure and form to what is an immensely dynamic activity.

Cairn is proud to be a Sponsor of AIPIO Australia, 2024. Also an exhibitor at ISS Singapore, 2024.
Cairn will be attending Defense & Security 2023 Bangkok at Impact Arena